Friday, October 22, 2010

The Ting LARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever heard of this island called Reunion? In French, La Réunion? Well it's a teeny tiny island floating around in the Indian Ocean, just to the east of Madagascar off the South African coast. It's highlighted in the box on the map above.

Second question: Do you know where Jamaica is in relation to this island called Reunion? It's more than half way around the world isn't it?

Third question: Would you believe that on this dot of an island called Reunion, the people are going crazy over Elephant Man and Gyptian?

Fourth question: Who are Elephant Man and Gyptian?

Big entertainers on the local Jamaican dancehall scene.

Fifth question: What is my point?

THE TING LARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so interesting...I didnt know that! Thanks,sweetie
    Happy Sunday


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