Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Going Home For Inspiration 2: Bernard Hoyes' Revival Tours Europe

So after travelling and making discoveries overseas for nearly a calendar year, I was a bit apprehensive about going home, even for a month. I was loving the fact of being a roaming hippie, preaching peace and love, not judgement and simply was not eager to come back to earth. But when I touched down in Kingston, something happened. I'm still not sure what. It was the harbour, it was the heat, it was the people, it was home, it is where I'm from.

Yes, the most striking thing about Jamaica, I think, is the richness of its colour. The dirt isn't just brown - it's distinctly red. The faces of my friends aren't grey, they are brown with a golden tint. It is no wonder then that our art has a distinct vibrance - colour, energy and movement that give it a unique look. I think painter Bernard Hoyes' new collection Revival captures the colour, energy and spirituality that is Jamaica. And for Jamaicans, no matter where you've been, coming back home is like a revival, giving inspiration - both artistic and spiritual. Here are a few pieces from Hoyes' collection now on exhibition at the Mutual Gallery until October 9.

Spiral Rhthym

Abundance of Ribbons

Day Into Night


  1. Hey mama...KAY-W here (haha, going diva), lol. Just stopping by to show you muchas lovas chica :). Hope it puts a spark in ur day! Loving the blog :)

  2. Hey girl, this definitely puts a smile on my face. Thanks for the sunshine.


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