Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pineapple Watermelon

So you have been asking and I went digging about to get some info on this yellow-looking watermelon. I actually went back to the vendor (he has less of a crowd these days since he no longer has this watermelon variety) and he says this is a hybrid watermelon.
Still not satisfied with such a shallow explanation, I got in touch with one field officer at the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), St. Elizabeth who had a more satisfying explanation. According to him, this 'yellow'-looking watermelon is in fact a hybrid/genetically modified watermelon called Pineapple Melon because of its sunny yellow colour.
They are grown in the main melon-growing area in Jamaica - Flagaman/Pedro Plains in the parish of St.Elizabeth. They are not cultivated on a large scale, often to satisfy the fascination of hoteliers and their guests and some leading supermarkets. With a glut now on the melon market, the vendor probably found himself with a couple. Anyone interested in growing a few of these Pineapple Melons may obtain seeds from farm stores in the Flagaman/Pedro Plains area, Jamaica Livestock Association or Carib-Gro Agro & Garn Supplies.
I hope this fills the curiosity. It has for me.


  1. awesome i'll definately try and get some of those seeds :)

  2. Great. Happy planting! And,do let me know how sweet they turn out.

  3. I love the pineaple melon they have a great taste. I ate that fruit daily in jamaica.


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