Friday, June 12, 2009

On being 27

(Via Oh Hello Friend)

At ages 16, 18 and 21, I tried desperately to find the special somethings about being that age, but didn't. Then after I crossed the 25 line, I felt like a dinosaur going downhill. So up until April, I had spent the last two years answering the question: 'How old are you?' by saying 'I'm 25+'.

Then I turned 27 and believe me, I suddenly feel alive, free and adult. Twenty-seven positively feels like the best time in my whole life. I've been serenely ecstatic even to the point of having the impulse to get something to mark it, something chosen by me. So, I went out and got two new ear piercings. My first piercing was done by my mother when I was all of two months old, so I had long forgotten about how these things feel and now have a ridiculous fear of pointed edges -needles, ear piercing guns, etc.

Needless to say, four gunshots through my flesh was terrifyingly-painful sweet. A trillion thanks to Elizabeth Ramesar who supported the cause, warmed my cold feet and kept company on terror's threshold. I now have a total of three piercings, one to mark the total decades I've lived less three years. [(30-3=27)I'm not the sort to sit through 27 x 2 shots.] At this point, I believe things will only get better; in fact, the best is yet to come.

I'm still trying to get a good pic of the piercings taken.


  1. u voluntarily went and had someone stab u with a needle!! i'm screeming on the inside. i sooooo could not build up the courage.

  2. And that, Nadz, was the biggest lesson I learnt -be courageous, be you. Although I had decided weeks ago that I was going to do it, when I got to the parlour I changed my mind. but I went through with it, painful and scary as it was. But it was so worth it and I am sooooo proud of myself.


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