Friday, September 24, 2010

Going Home for Inspiration I

This morning I woke up to the pitter-patter of rain on the zinc roof of my friend's house. The rain was making for a nice early morning start, not cold, just your Jamaican midsummer dream. It was nice being cozy, snug under my thin cover sheet and not pinned under by a lazy feeling. In the kitchen, the kettle was on and the ackee and saltfish breakfast coming along nicely. Outdoors, everything looked washed - from hillside to local backyard. Were this a monday, the beauty of the morning would have escaped me, but being wednesday, I was energised, invigorated, rather inspired by these simple pleasures of home. So I've decided to put together a few posts to share some little bites of inspiration I have gotten from going home. I hope you'll like them.

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