Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Those Vintage Telephones

Oh where oh where have those old phones gone? Those heavy chunk sets from childhood glory days? Surely, they can't all be in the landfills. I have the feeling they're hidden under dust, locked away all forgotten in a messy basement somewhere! Some smartypant must have known that one day I would look back with a nostalgic craving for a vintage telephone handset. Well, that day is today and I've been stalking online sites in hopes of finding my perfect one. Looks like I've biten off more than I might be able to chew because I found all these and can't decide!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Falling into Fall

Last fall, my dear friend Bernadette came upon a great discovery. Driving through the countryside, she stumbled upon the ruins of a chateau, Chateu du Goust. The chateau itself dates back to the 1400s. It is currently under investigative study not to be rebuilt of course, but to ascertain the actualities of the former building and to deduce a picture of its grandeur.

Now that fall is officially here, don't let the chill keep you locked down indoors. Promise yourself to make an adventure of those odd sunny days. Who knows you may just 'fall' upon a discovery or some treasure of your very own.

Ruins of Chateau du Goust

Presence of a moat

Site under investigative study

Bulk of the remains

Presumed design

Friday, September 24, 2010

Strike a Pose : Vogue!

Don't be fooled by that cute face! This is, my friend, a maniac on the dance floor. Colin is the one guy I could depend on last winter for a good night out dancing. No offence to my girls, you know we loved the security of having at least one guy in the bunch, and for us that was Colin.

It's the last friday in the month and assuming that you've been paid, tonight is the night to strike that pose and just vogue!

Going Home for Inspiration I

This morning I woke up to the pitter-patter of rain on the zinc roof of my friend's house. The rain was making for a nice early morning start, not cold, just your Jamaican midsummer dream. It was nice being cozy, snug under my thin cover sheet and not pinned under by a lazy feeling. In the kitchen, the kettle was on and the ackee and saltfish breakfast coming along nicely. Outdoors, everything looked washed - from hillside to local backyard. Were this a monday, the beauty of the morning would have escaped me, but being wednesday, I was energised, invigorated, rather inspired by these simple pleasures of home. So I've decided to put together a few posts to share some little bites of inspiration I have gotten from going home. I hope you'll like them.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Neat Idea

When I came across this mural I wondered how cool it would be to have a wall with text like this, full of the witty expressions my friends post on Facebook. Wouldn't these on a wall make some good pick-me-uppers on a lousy day?

"According to the advert, you never forget your first krush'em... Completely true! It was bloody horrible!" (courtesy of my Rhi)

"I swear I just saw einstein on a bike!!" (courtesy of my LB)

"oooooo how i await the day karma comes and bites you in the vagina..." (courtesy of my LB)

"...Not because I wasn't born with a gold spoon in ma mouth doesn't mean I can't stick one in before I die...." (courtesy of my KK)

"I hate [you] with a passion that burns greater than a 1000 suns!!!" (coutesy of my LB)

"Mz I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T....would rather die on ma feet than to live on ma knees...." (courtesy of my KK)

"I won at bingo...milkybars are on me!!" (courtesy of my LB)

Incidentally, my friend Lonya has a miniature of this idea as a hanging, of all places, in her bathroom.

(Photo: Brittany Hayes)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Citroen's Vintage Cutester

Quite a few of these cute 1979 Citroën models can still be seen on French streets. Thirty-one years after being manufactured, some people have still not changed their cars and they still pass the demanding fitness test of road-worthiness. Who said the French were materialistic?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Venetian Fountains

I'm sure you've heard of Venetian blinds, but Venetian fountains? Yup, they are water fountains around the city which allows for potable water refills to tourists and locals alike. The water, the locals vouch, is "super safe" for drinking. Around the city, water fountains as these number around 122 and came about as a result of the city's initiative to cut down on disposable waste, namely spring water plastic bottles used by sun-loving tourists. The water dispensed is cool, refreshing and affordable - it's free - just as water should be.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Houseboat Envy

Are you attracted to the idea of a floating home? Given all its limitations, the idea of a home as a boat afloat water is making me slightly dizzy with envy. Well, okay, maybe as a weekend getaway. Sleeping on water seems like freedom personified. Captaining your own vessel, you are free to rock this boat. Here are a few I've envied along the way.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Shakespeare's Groundling

When he was alive, kicking and running his plays, William Shakespeare reserved the section immediately in front of the stage for people who were known as the groundlings. These groundlings were allowed into the theatre to hear a play at a mere cost of one penny. It's for this reason that they were also known as the "penny stinkers". In their day, these were the ones who could not afford to sit in the stands which attracted tickets at much higher prices. Instead, they rested on foot for the entire three-hour performance.

To some, it may seem a hard life, since standing on foot (sitting and squatting prohibited) in unpredictable London weather is no easy feat. Ignoring drizzling rain and chill, the groundlings in my opinion had the best spot in the house. They were on the ground and in the midst of all the action.

I got the experience of a groundling firsthand hearing King Henry IV Part 1. After paying a mere £5 (the modern equivalent to Shakespeare's penny) to enter the theatre, I took my place three rows from the stage steps. Not only did I see the actors, but felt them as they ran and pushed by my side onto the stage and was up close and personal with the commoners singing and dancing in the streets. I felt smack in the middle of the whole carnival. The madness was infectious and gave me a feverish high. Best yet, I never missed a joke or a con. My only regret is not having gone to see Macbeth where the groundlings were allowed to stand beneath black sheets with only their heads exposed like souls in hell.

If you haven't yet heard a play at the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in this season's Kings and Rogues, hurry, plays are now running until October 3. Be sure to go as a groundling, now that's where the thrill is. And do dress appropriately. Sandals at this time, not really advised, it is London afterall.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Window Shopping

Store managers get livid when passersby snap shots of their window displays. Quite frankly, I can't understand this reaction. People photograph what's pretty interesting. Can you tell I'm guilty of the same crime? I am. I angered a few to get these, just to share with you. Happy window shopping and happy celebrating Fashion's Night Out, Jamaica!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


"Every country (if she's lucky) gets the Mark Twain she deserves, and Winkler is ours, bristling with savage Jamaican wit, heart-stopping compassion, and jaw-dropping humour all at once."
--Marlon James

Could you indulge me a bit? I want to tell you about my best day last week that still has a smile on my face.

I was going about my usual business when out of the blue I was asked, "Have you ever read any books by Anthony Winkler?". I suddenly remembered that Christmas spent laughing, crying, twisting and travelling with The Painted Canoe and a case of chicken pox. "Why?", I asked. "Anthony Winkler will be reading from his new novel -Crocodile - today at 2:30 p.m." As we say in Jamaica, I was there on my eyelash.

It was not a programme of any mention, but to hear Anthony Winkler read is a must-do on your bucket list. His non-melodramatic matter-of-fact style breathes familiarity with characters unmistakably Jamaican. I'm almost done reading the novel and believe me, I'm afraid to let it end.


My friend Lizzie and I came across these smack in the middle of a shopping centre. It took us quite a while to figure out what they were. Any ideas?

Monday, September 6, 2010

J'aime les Brocantes

In France, a brocante is similar to what you would expect at a secondhand flea market. I'm from a culture where the idea of things bought secondhand is frowned upon somewhat and approval of such is given only to the very destitute. Otherwise, everything bought should be unwrapped from the plastic as brand-spanking-new. For this reason, I felt restricted against fully exploring my interest in things old, despite being excited and inspired by them. Just having a look would cause superstitions to swirl in my ears.

Now, I freely skip over to any brocante I see happening, scanty or packed with hundreds. The hardest part of the whole experience is usually deciding how much is too much. You see, I have an eclectic spirit, I hate the feel of beeing classified. So I don't specialise, I like a bit of nearly everything and don't want to be weighed by a ton of old stuff in one outing. I like the feel of including these yesteryear accessories with modern pieces.

Brocantes can be like a market for junk, but they are equally the best spots to come across rare even vintage finds, antiques and sentimental pieces that are no longer available for order on the market. Most times the pieces aren't in the best of shape, but have attractive, streamlined and uncommon shapes whose finishes you'll be inspired to restore or personalise with your very own hands. Look at some of what I've found along the way.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Old Sneakers

Who would have thought of these as planter pots? Put those old sneakers to good use.


It's the weekend! Shout with me: FREEDOM!
Time to chill, put your favourite records on and just enjoy the freedom of doing nothing or plenty of what you want to do. Call up your friends for a drink at yours, or get dressed and touch down on your favourite spot or even pop the cork at the park. Forget the onlookers and just live FREEEEEEEE. Have a good one.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


How gorgeous is this little thing? I came across this button neck balloon dress in Emily Ryan's shop on Etsy. Doesn't it make you want to skip right into fall? I'm also feeling ruby heels to pair or even patent navy blue will do.

Emily Ryan is an independent designer based in Portland, Oregon. Each year, she puts out two small collections of all handmade pieces designed and created to last a lifetime or longer. Emily admits that she is "continually inspired by 1920's couture, science fiction, and Japanese fashions" and that she loves "modern sculptural designs that explore texture and shape, as well as artistic, comfortable, and cozy designs." Such inspiration reminds me of days when women owned less but specially customed handmade pieces that seemed to last.

Make sure you visit Emily Ryan today!