Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Travels on a Page: From Jamaica to the World!!!

I was down and out for a bit, but I'm back and itching to go somewhere. So starting July 15, I will be sending a little piece of me/Jamaica travelling on a page across the world. By means of my page, I will be able to touch and travel through places I have been dreaming about.

I will be sending my page via post to bloggers I adore and friends living in these places. When the page is received in the mail, the recipient will then place a stamp and write a line/sentence on the page, then mail it to the next address in line or to the address that is most convenient (which has not yet received it). The person next receiving the page will carry out the same process until the page has been filled. After all the page has been filled the person who fills the very last space will mail the page back to me in Jamaica. If there is a place that the recipient believes is a 'must must see', they may send it to a direct contact in this location on the condition that this contact will mail it directly to the next contact on the list.

If you would like to participate, do send me your mailing address at This DOES NOT have to be your personal address, but it should be an address at which you are sure to receive it via airmail. When you receive the page, feel free to take it to your favourite/a popular site within your country. Take a picture with it there (email me the pic ;-)) then send the page along to the next contact the following working day. And yes, by all means, blog about it.

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